Sunday, March 30, 2008

State Basketball Play-offs!!!

OK, so our high school b-ball team was lucky enough to be in the play-offs for state! We had to win all three games, otherwise we'd be out. We faced a team that was 30-0, verses our 28-2. Obviously they were undifeated, but we had some tricks up our sleeve.

So it was going great in the first half, even if the opposing team's crowd was cheering way more than us. They were behind by about...fourteen points or so.

Then, in the second half, things started to turn ugly. I'm not mentioning any names, but number 52 was so huge and monsterious and got ALL of the rebounds! It seemed like he literally camped out under the basket, waiting for a time to strike! A sign--I think it was his dad or a relitive--even said, 'Feed the 52 Beast!' It was kind of weird.

Well, we turned out to loose, 53-79. I think our team lost it's flame, because they were on fire in the first half! Well, anyway, we were out. Thankfully, in the state tourney with our opposing team and another play-off winner, our opposing team LOST! I felt a little better, just to give them a taste of their medicine. But, I have to admit, they were pretty good and did unexpectedly well.

Keep reading and comment literally whenever,

End of Spring Break

Wow--I can't beileve that my spring break is over already! I only have about......fifteen and a half hours before school starts up again! Then I have to have the homework, study for tests, and all that usual stuff. Don't you hate it? At least I get to see my friends from school, I haven't seen any except for a huge play-off state high school basketball game. (That subject will be in the next post!)

You know what's weird? For the remaining three days of the break, I went to a resort up north about two hours away. Two days before--Wednesday--my brother's eight-year-old friend was playing at our house. She's like, "what are you guys doing for spring break? I'm going to a hotel about two hours away!" My brother and I are just casually, "yeah, us too! It's up north." Then we were talking, and all of a sudden she said the same name of the hotel as we were going to! Our next-door neighbors were heading up to the same hotel!!! It was completely unexpected, and we didn't even plan it!

What did you guys do for spring break? Did you hate or love when the break finally ended?
Well, keep reading and posting wonderful comments,

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring Break!!!

OK, I know for a fact that EVERYONE in this univerese likes Spring Break, right? I mean, if you take out the "spring" part, it's just the word "break"! We get a break off school! Get it? OK, so my humor isn't so perfect, but we get the point of this post. SPRING BREAK!

How long is your spring break? Well we have off tomorrow, Friday, since obviously it's Good Friday. Then, I have a week off after that. A couple years ago we used to get two weeks, which would have been way funner, but now they shortened it. Wahh!

What are you doing over Spring Break? Going to a different state? Country? Even a different town that may be six hours to eight seconds away? Well, here is what I am going to do. No, not a state. Not a country either. I'm staying at a hotel for Easter with my mom's family. Then, next week, we are probably going to go to MOA (Mall of America) and ride the rides there. It should be fun and very exciting. At least I think so!!!

Well, I think that's all I have for Spring Break. Tell me everything you are going to do over your spring break! Or wait, did you already have a spring break? Well, tell me now! Explain EVERY detail! Ha, ha. I'll update you more on my Spring Break adventures. Keep reading and commenting,


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My Dog and the movie Pasifier

His name is Rebel. Actually, his name was Rebel, since he died about three years ago. (I remember the exact date: August 8th, 2005). It was pretty sad. Here is what exactly happened before his death.

I was at a friend's house with my brother. We were watching a movie, the Pasafier. We got called home, and we ran down the street to our house. When we came into the door, my mother was putting the phone into the reciver and she was in tears! I wondered, what the heck is up? Mom pretty much never cries! I didn't feel very good, because just a couple days before he was sleeping more, was loosing hearing and eyesight, and almost never came up the 4th level stairs into the 3rd level.

My mom announced, "Dad is coming home early." She stopped and looked down a little. I asked, "why?" It wasn't really like him to come home unless it was pretty urgent, like I was having an allergic reation or something. (Trust me, that's happened in the past, but that's a whole different story!) She looked back up at us and said, her eyes tearing up, "we're going to the vet. We need to put sleep." My eyes buldged and my brother immediatly joined mom in the cry fest. I felt horrible. I said, trying to toughen up, "but why? Why now?"

About fifteen minutes later we were a little better and pretty much ended the big sob party. She said, clearing her throat, "When I got home from work, I heard a dog crying. I went into the 3rd level and it got louder. I knew it was Rebel, so I opened the 4th level door and it became louder than ever. Finally, I saw Rebel. He was crying, moaning, and whimpering. He couldn't move anything below his head. I gave him some Advil and helped him up the stairs into the 3rd level. I called Dad and said what happened. He agreed that we needed to bring him to the vet. I'm so sorry."

We started the sob fest again, this time wetter then ever. We went downstairs and hugged Rebel as much as we could. We wanted to make his last moments with him memories that--we hoped--he'd remember forever.

Once we got to the vet--Dad and all--Rebel needed carrying out of the truck. It was pretty sad to watch. We went into the room with the vet and I decided to watch Rebel be put down with my dad. Mom and my brother would wait in the waiting room.

As the needle was going in, he started to topple over and then fell, completely motionless. I started to sniffle and tear up. I knew I'd never get to see him again. I looked over to my dad, he tried a fake smile, but I saw his watery eyes and knew he felt the same way as I did, just with little emotion.

My brother and mom came in, and we just looked at our dad, cried, and whiped our eyes with tissues. I hated that moment, and I always will. My first dog--and probably my only dog--had left us for good. No getting around it, and that I can never get over.

Now, I really, really, really dislike the movie Pasafier just because I saw it on the day of Rebel's perminint absence. And because it just wasn't a very good movie. I don't know why I dislike it so much, but I do, and it'll probably always stay that way. Have your dogs ever died or you had to see your dog be put down? If so, share the pain! I know your not along on that one, if you read this entry. Well, keep reading,

REALLY Creepy Dreams

Have you ever had a really scary, terrifying, dreadful or just plain different nightmare or dream? Tell me! I really want to know. Some are even scarier then others. I'll tell you one of my scary nightmares, but actually, it wasn't even a dream!

One time, only last night, I was laying in bed with my eyes open. Then, this really creepy, scratchy and ghostly voice interuppted the silence and moaned, "I'M...............HUNG..........GRY!" It was SO scary! My body shot streight up and I started shaking. Then, oddly enough, I had no troubles getting to sleep! But I still remember that...thing...or...voice...

P.S. Do you think your house, neighbor's house, a shed, or any type of building, person or other is haunted? How about just acting strange? Post a comment and I'll be ready to reply!

Well, that's all of the spooky stuff I have for this post. Keep reading my blog!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Basketball Results

This morning, at nine thirty, we had our second game of the tournament. It was even more exciting than the one last night because...well...we WON! That meant we were automaticly second place. We cheered, and knew that we would have HARD competition. And, that's exactly what happened. Here is the whole scoop.

I'm not mentioning the team's name, but they were the HARDEST and most PHYSICAL team I've ever played in my two full seasons of basketball. I'm dead serious. They'd push, shove, fake an injury or foul, they had very high hopes for winning. But here is the truth about them. They've NEVER lost a game this intire season! That's how good they were! Plus, the ending and final score was 33 to 28, their lead. But, what's pretty cool is that one time in the game we were one point ahead! Their "fans" were SO loud and gave the coaches, refs and players all harsh advice. I felt bad for the players having to deal with that ruckess their entire lives! LOL.

Anyway, we got second place, which isn't bad at all. We got a trophy for the whole team and we each recived gold medals. (Obviously not true gold). It was fun, yet I wish we could have a longer season of basketball. Now it's over until September, where we hope to beat the team next year! Try taking basketball yourselves or comment me your experiances with basketball,


Saturday, March 8, 2008


I just wanted to tell you that we won our first basketball game of this tournament. It was VERY exciting! About five people on the opposing team were injured. (Some faked it...) And one person on our team got minorly injured. (She played after a couple of minutes).

So, that was the scoop. Oh, the score was 21-15, our lead. Now, we are safe for third place. We have around two or three games tomorrow, so comment and quietly cheer for our team! It's going to be quite exciting and we'll need the extra suppost. Since we lost last tournament we NEED medals and or trophies. It's to replace our loosing heart.

Anyway, that's all for now. I'm in the hotel and am about to eat some Olive Garden spagettii and meatballs. I think, too, YUM! Post whenever,

My Imaginary Friend

Her name is Marsha. I met in a bingo game. Not many people know it, but she's an orphan that turned invisable by a witch's spell.

Now, here is a shocker about Marsha. She's very artisitic and lots of famous artists are her friends. For instince, she once met Van Gough in Paris one night! They climbed up the Ifel Tower and then bungee jumped off it until people started to crowd right underneath them. (Imaginary friends and dead people usually are friends because they are both invisiable. What the kids don't know is that when they say they have an invisable friend, they actually do! Funny how it works, huh?)

Now, how I started meeting her might shock you even more than her friendliness with Van Gough. It all started at my school's carnival...

"Mom, let's play bingo!" I announced, dragging her into the room where lots of old people were. She flushed red and I wondered why. "Honey, don't drag me!" she whispered harshly. "Alright, but, let's play! Who knows, we might get lucky!" She rolled her eyes and faked a smile. Then, she placed her purse on a chair and made me sit next to her. My brother was on the opposite side of her.

A little while later, I only needed one spot for bingo, G23. The old, crippled man who was running it stopped the rolling machine with all of the bingo balls and called out, "G24!" I stood up and almost called out my bingo when mother announced, "No! That's not your number!" I pouted and hopped onto my seat. I really wanted to win a prize.

Finally, only two calls later, it was my chance. He stopped the rolling machine and picked up a blue ball. When I thought his teeth were all going to fall out and he was going to peel over, he yelled with all his might, "G23!" I hopped out of my seat and started high-kicking and jumping around. I screamed, "BINGO! BINGO! BINGO!" Like ten times. Pleasently, his assistent, an equally crippled woman, slowly marched over to my spot with her cane. "Please, dear, don't shout. All of these people have hearing aids turned up to the highest notch, and they were complaning." I blushed and quietly said, "Bingo?" The lady smiled and looked at my card. She removed the chips one by one, which seemed to take two minutes each time. But, happy, with a deep smile on her face, she shouted, "BINGO!" I was so happy and jumped up and down.

At the prize table, there were tons of fantasy prizes. There were genies, princesses, princes, witches, Frankinstin, even the Wolfman! Also, there were nearly twenty invisable friends that were up for sale. All you could see was a sign that said 'Invisible friend, name...'. I didn't want a guy, that'd just be plain weird. Most of the females didn't look very nice or friendly, or even my age. Some were nearly one hundred! So, I picked Marsha. And that's how I got my invisable friend.

Did you like that? Lindsey will update more about Marsha each time she does something remarkable or even something boreing or interesting. Do you have any questions about Marsha? Ask Lindsey-she'll answer them right away!

Don't Trust Airhead Commericials!

Airheads are the most sugarest candy. They DON'T get you somewhere fast and DON'T make you hyper. Well, maybe a little bit hyper, but not like slamming your head into the roof! How pethedic! All they want is your money, no matter what they tell you.

Look, the watermelon, cherry, grape and strawberry head guys? Yeah, that won't happen to you! So if you want to have a big, grape head, it's NOT going to happen! Trust me, I've tried it. It didn't work. (I don't want you to be dissipointed like I was).

Also, sometimes they bribe you with contests and "hanging out" with Miley Cyrus and other celebrities. They say that you have to buy the Airheads to win. Well, folks, that's NOT going to happen, either! DON'T listen to them! They are big, fat liars and all they want is your dirty money. Don't let their commercials get to you! They can live without your dollar and fifty cents!

Well, that's all for the Airheads issue. Just listen, don't buy their product. It's like a scam, only they aren't forcing you for money or anything as drastic. DON'T BUY AIRHEADS!!! My work here is done.
Thanks for reading,

Friday, March 7, 2008

Part 1: A Life of A Homeless Dog

It all started on a Monday. Bruce McWithers, a greedy workaholic dogowner, came home drunk from a work party. His three dogs, Brandi, Tiger and Cally, knew and sensed he would do something drastic. But nothing as drastic as what he was actually going to do.

12:48 p.m.
The door slammed, and the three dogs raced up the stairs. They stopped and saw their owner. His blood-shot eyes, his odd walk, and even his words were all peculiar. Brandi, the oldest, a female and the most obident, ordered the three to go into their shelter downstairs. "We mustn't interfer with his odd actions. You know humans have their once-in-a-while strange ways," she announced. Cally, the youngest, sighed. "Are you sure? Bruce seems kind of tense! Maybe all he needs is a few licks from a cute, adorable doggy!" Tiger, the middle-aged one, also a mutt, scoffed. "He's sick, Cally! He doesn't want to spread his germs to us!" Brandi rolled her brownish-hazel eyes and put a paw in front of both younger dogs' legs. "You two need to stop bickering and go down to the shelter! We might be in doggy danger!"

Finally, all three crouched down, tried not to be seen, and slowly walked down the steps and under the stairs. There, Bruce could never find them or crawl in there. It was a perfect location.

As soon as Cally was about to go in, a loud pounding noise erupted the silence. The madman--Bruce McWithers--was coming down the stairs! Brandi tried to help Cally into the special hideout, but it was too late. Bruce was right in back of them!

"What da heck are you do-in Jes-ca?" he asked, stumbling with his words. Cally tried to growl him away, but it didn't help. He cupped his hands and swiftly dragged Cally's tail backwards! "Help! Help!" She whimpered loudly. Brandi sprang into action. She jumped onto Cally and growled, showing her pearly white jaws. It seemed like Bruce was turning blind or something, because he never noticed the wild dog trying to protect her sister!

"Brandi, do something! Tiger, help her!" Cally moaned painfully. Bruce was backing up and unlatched the latch to the outside. He was about to fall backwards! "Jes-ca, you go to ya pun-sh-mint!" he shouted angrily. "No! Brandi! Tiger!" she wailed. But as soon as Bruce clinged onto a ledge, he used all of his power to swipe Cally off her feet and flung her into the backyard! A painful thud followed. The remaining dogs hoped Cally wouldn't die, or wouldn't get injured. But inside, they knew it was going to be a terrifying ending.

Hey, I need some ideas for the rest of this story! What do you think should happen to Cally? Will Bruce hurt the other dogs, too? Post some comments, I could use them!!! (:


Hi, this is Lindsey. I like basketball, pizza, swimming, friends, Reeses Blizzard from Dairy Queen, writing and animals. (Mainly the furried and non furried doggies!)

Anyway, this weekend I have a basketball tournament. We're going to a hotel because it is a two-day tournament. It's going to be SO fun! (Seriously, FUN!)

We lost in the last tournament, so we're mad and pumped up for this one. We're ready to matter how good the opposing teams are!

I'll try to update you tomorrow, tonight or some other day. Cheer for my team to win the gold medal!

Thanks for reading,