Saturday, March 8, 2008

Don't Trust Airhead Commericials!

Airheads are the most sugarest candy. They DON'T get you somewhere fast and DON'T make you hyper. Well, maybe a little bit hyper, but not like slamming your head into the roof! How pethedic! All they want is your money, no matter what they tell you.

Look, the watermelon, cherry, grape and strawberry head guys? Yeah, that won't happen to you! So if you want to have a big, grape head, it's NOT going to happen! Trust me, I've tried it. It didn't work. (I don't want you to be dissipointed like I was).

Also, sometimes they bribe you with contests and "hanging out" with Miley Cyrus and other celebrities. They say that you have to buy the Airheads to win. Well, folks, that's NOT going to happen, either! DON'T listen to them! They are big, fat liars and all they want is your dirty money. Don't let their commercials get to you! They can live without your dollar and fifty cents!

Well, that's all for the Airheads issue. Just listen, don't buy their product. It's like a scam, only they aren't forcing you for money or anything as drastic. DON'T BUY AIRHEADS!!! My work here is done.
Thanks for reading,



Lindsey - Are Airheads like taffy? Is that what they taste like? Mrs. Pennuto

B-ballgirl31 said...

wow z real mature