Sunday, March 30, 2008

End of Spring Break

Wow--I can't beileve that my spring break is over already! I only have about......fifteen and a half hours before school starts up again! Then I have to have the homework, study for tests, and all that usual stuff. Don't you hate it? At least I get to see my friends from school, I haven't seen any except for a huge play-off state high school basketball game. (That subject will be in the next post!)

You know what's weird? For the remaining three days of the break, I went to a resort up north about two hours away. Two days before--Wednesday--my brother's eight-year-old friend was playing at our house. She's like, "what are you guys doing for spring break? I'm going to a hotel about two hours away!" My brother and I are just casually, "yeah, us too! It's up north." Then we were talking, and all of a sudden she said the same name of the hotel as we were going to! Our next-door neighbors were heading up to the same hotel!!! It was completely unexpected, and we didn't even plan it!

What did you guys do for spring break? Did you hate or love when the break finally ended?
Well, keep reading and posting wonderful comments,

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